Are your social media links going where you think they're going?

Have you ever clicked on a business’s “Follow Me on Facebook!” link, only to be taken to your own Facebook account? Or to Facebook’s homepage? Or to something even more confusing?

How does this happen? In many cases, the person who created the link was logged into their own Facebook account at the time, so the link they’re linking to isn’t their unique profile link: it’s instead an incorrect generic one.

Not sure if your links are working properly? Here’s a quick test. Log out of all your accounts and then test your links. Do they all go directly to the correct pages?

Your Facebook link should look something like this: (replace the bold type with your own name or business)

Your Twitter link should look something like this:

Your LinkedIn link should look something like this:

Your Instagram link should look something like this:

Take a minute and do the test! It’s amazing how many incorrect links I stumble across every week. Something as simple as a “link to nowhere” could be costing you followers and possible business!

Get my free ebook, “How to Blog Like an Entrepreneur” now – CLICK HERE!



  1. Jacqui Snyder, ADVENTOURUS Active Vacations on August 14, 2012 at 8:19 am

    More great advice, Nishi!

  2. Nishi on August 14, 2012 at 8:28 am

    Thanks, Jacqui!!

  3. […] 4) Add Social Media Links – Hover over the banner at the top of your channel and click on the pen that appears in the upper right corner. Select Edit Links. Under Social Links select your social media outlet from the pull-down menu on the left and type in the corresponding URL on the right. Click Add to add more links. Click done and voila! Just a warning, it’s a common mistake to botch up social media links so if you’re not su… […]