4 Reasons to Use Neighbourhood Twitter Hashtags

If you’re an avid Twitter user, you’ve likely used hashtags. But have you ever done a quick search to see if your neighbourhood has a popular hashtag that might benefit you when you are tweeting about your business? For example in my area, some popular neighbourhood hashtags include: #JunctionTO #Roncesvalles #HighPark and #Toronto.

Here are 4 reasons to use neighbourhood hashtags:

1. Find out what’s going on in your neighbourhood. Is there a local street fair coming up? New business opening? Music festival? Farmers market? Graffiti cleanup? Does the petting zoo need funding? New stop sign? Now that you know what’s going on, join in on the conversation.

2. Reach out to other businesses. Connect, support and network with other local businesses. Take it a step further and form alliances, referral groups, and cross-promotions that benefit everyone. You’re all in the same boat, why not help each other out?English: A street sign for Roncesvalles Avenue...

3. Reach out to your potential clients. Tell them about yourself, offer them valuable content, share special events and discounts, and above all show them you’re a cool person who cares about their ‘hood. Which leads to…

4. Be MORE than just a local business. Be a neighbourhood fixture that cares about other businesses and the customers that live nearby. Tweet local issues and events. Make your neighbourhood better, brighter, safer. A happy neighbourhood means better business. And good karma to boot.

If you can’t find a Twitter hashtag that supports your neighbourhood, maybe you need to start one! Remember, anyone can create and use a hashtag, so why not you?

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  1. […] Care About Your Community – Use neighbourhood hashtags on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Be a fixture in your neighbourhood and care about what’s […]

  2. David on August 13, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    Really loving all your posts! These are all awesome, short and actionable! Thanks!

  3. Nishi on August 13, 2013 at 3:19 pm

    Thanks so much! 🙂

  4. How to Use Hashtags | Night Day Digital Media on January 26, 2014 at 11:06 am

    […] 3) By Neighborhood – Local businesses and patrons can jump on neighborhood Hashtags and help promote each other and build a sense of community (check out #Toronto #JunctionTO #Roncesvalles). Read more about using neighborhood hashtags here. […]