“What Do I Write About!?” How To Find Topics For Your Blog
Writer’s block happens to all of us. And it bites.
If you are a blogger, and particularly if you are an entrepreneur who blogs as a way to promote your business, writer’s block can be particularly terrifying. For the blogging business person, writer’s block is a literal halt to a marketing strategy, which of course will hurt business.
And we can’t have that.
Here are some fast and effective tips to help you manage writer’s block.
Don’t beat yourself up
If you’re blogging on a regular basis, your well of creativity is bound to feel a little dry at times. Writing is hard. Blogging week after week is hard. Look back at what you’ve accomplished. You’ve blogged before and you will blog again. Don’t make this hurdle bigger than it is, you’ll just block yourself even more.
Hang out with your target audience
As a blogger, you should always be conversing with your followers. Throw them some questions on Facebook or Twitter once in a while. See what’s on their mind. Blatantly ask them if they have any problems or issues they’d like your input on. You’re offering them free help, they’re going to love you (even more than they already do) for being there for them. Pick their best questions and use your answers to inspire new articles you can post in your blog. Do this and you are quite literally creating content that aligns with the needs of your followers.
Stay current
Strategically search hashtags, different social media platforms and blogs to observe what your target audience is discussing. Yes, this includes spying on your competitors… but in a nice way!
Set up a newsfeed (I use and recommend feedly.com) so you stay on top of news, trends and discussions. By staying current, you’ll never run out of questions to answer or topics to discuss on your business blog.
Keep an ongoing list
You might think you don’t get ideas, but you get ideas. You just forget you get ideas. That’s because ideas like to come at us at inconvenient times. Like in the shower, or while we’re driving, or in the middle of a one-sided conversation with a boring person. Make it impossible for a great idea to slip away by keeping post-its, phone apps, tiny notebooks – whatever it takes – at the ready in every environment you encounter throughout your day. Be manic about this.
Don’t break the chain
Business blogging is like any other habit; the more often you do it, the easier it gets. Designate a day of the week and set aside time for blogging. Treat blogging like going to the gym, brushing your teeth, or getting your kids off to school on time: it’s non-negotiable. Do it at the same time of day, same day of the week, week in and week out, so that it becomes a habit you can almost take for granted.
As an entrepreneur you blog because it builds your business, so don’t wait for inspiration to hit you. Do it because it is an intentional part of your work week.
If you’re ready to take your business blog to the next level, check out my FREE eBook, “How To Blog Like An Entrepreneur” here…

I like your suggestion about “conversing with social media followers” and ask them questions about issues or problems they may have and then write about it. Great tips; thank you Nishi!
You are welcome, Jennifer, thank you for commenting! I’ve had a lot of success using that tactic to get fresh ideas for my blog, and engaging with followers is a huge bonus.