Face-Melting Twitter Statistics You Need to Think About

Many entrepreneurs who use social media to promote their businesses are quick to dismiss Twitter. I think it’s because Twitter has a funny name. And it can be a little cutesy-pie: what with its blue bird logo, mystifying lingo, and 140-character limit.

But on a more practical level, Twitter does have a reputation of being popular mostly among teens and twenty-somethings who are keeping up with their favorite celebrities, and many business owners don’t consider these small fry as their target demographic. So why Tweet for business?

Well, according to Jeff Bullas‘ magnificent blog:twitter money

  • Twitter is one of the top three when it comes to the largest proportion of people earning more than $150,000 annually with LinkedIn at number one
  • 30% of the users earn over $100k
  • Largest age group at 45% is the 18-34 age group with the second largest bracket being the 35-49 year olds at 24%

Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2010/09/09/what-social-media-network-should-your-brand-use-for-your-target-markets/#owjJG6cg08RCMUcs.99

In other words, just because Twitter is mostly populated by millenials and hipsters who make less than $100K, doesn’t mean there aren’t any wealthier Gen-X or Boomers lurking around as well. In fact, given that Twitter serves over 100 million users per month… that’s a whole lot of “mature” people making up the difference. The 35-49 age group might only make up 24% of the Twitter population, but 24% of 100 million is… lots. And if your target demographic lies in there somewhere, then what are you waiting for? Get Tweeting!

And how’s this for amazing: according to Mashable, Seniors are the fastest social media adopters in the united States. That is, 43% of Americans over 65 use at least one social networking site, compared with 26% in 2010 and 1% in 2008.

Want to jump on the social media bandwagon but not sure how? Get in touch and ask about my one-on-one social media training sessions!

Best regards as always,

[email protected]