5 Types of Blog Posts That Will Grow Your Audience
If you are an entrepreneur who has been business blogging for a while, it can become a challenge to keep things fresh and exciting.
It can start to get less fun.
But blogging with consistency is crucial if you want to attract and maintain an engaged audience.
So you have to keep at it. If you get stuck, think outside of the box.
Coming up with topics and new spins to re-invent your message can feel next to impossible if you lock yourself in to doing the same thing, the same way, all the time.
Don’t be afraid to shake things up when it comes to business blogging, and know that there are many different approaches that you can take.
Certain types of blog posts are going to work better for you than others. It depends on your blogging style, the nature of your business, your industry – and of course, your audience.
Here are 5 types of blog posts that will help you get more followers…
The Guest Post
Getting someone else to write a post for your business blog presents itself with one obvious benefit – you just got someone else to do your work for you!
But wait. Don’t be easily seduced.
I know – so tempting.
You want to enlist guest bloggers strategically. Don’t go all willy-nilly accepting blogs from just anybody.
Be selective.
Make it a goal to forge meaningful relationships with other business bloggers – and not in a grabby, self-serving way, but in a way where it’s a win-win-win situation.
What I mean by a win-win-win situation is this…
First and foremost, your audience has to win.
In other words, the guest post cannot just be a sales pitch. When your business blog gains some momentum, or one of your posts goes viral, you will inevitably get messages from random companies saying that they would love to provide you with wonderful blog content for absolutely free.
Be careful of this deal.
While this isn’t necessarily a horrible idea, understand that letting someone else turn your platform into a self-serving billboard is going to cheapen your blog, hurt your brand, and cost you your audience.
Always make sure the audience wins.
Then, make sure you win.
Guest bloggers should be people you can see yourself working with, referring business to, and collaborating with in the future. Use the guest blogging experience to grow your network.
Enlisting a guest blogger will benefit you only if they can provide meaningful content that is in line with your brand and add to the value that your blog brings to its audience.
Ideally, the guest blogger has a following of their own, on their own blog and social media platforms, and they’ll be able to share their guest post with their audience as well. By doing this, they will help you expand your reach and grow your audience (and subsequently your business).
And finally, last but not least, this collaborative effort should be a win for the guest blogger.
It should make sense for you to reciprocate and guest blog for them, for all the same reasons you would have them guest blog for you.
When executed properly, enlisting guest bloggers benefits your audience (win), benefits you (win), and benefits your guest blogger (win).
The Review
Reviews are an excellent way to position yourself as an expert in your field while showing that you are current on the latest and greatest in your field.
You can review a product (for example, review the latest iPhone if you are a tech blogger), or a software (such as the latest editing software upgrade if you are a video producer), or the latest app that might help your target audience.
You can also do a review of a shop or business if it pertains to your audience. Consider doing an interview-style profile of a business (online or geographically local) or entrepreneur that could benefit your following.
You can even review someone else’s content. Maybe you have some professional insights on a viral video, meme, or article that is being circulated within your industry.
Your audience depends on you to keep them on top of industry trends and announcements, don’t let them down! For instance, if you’re an interior decorator, talk about how Pantone’s Color of the Year is going to influence design. Your audience will love getting your professional perspective.
The Answer to an Important Question
As a business owner, you will notice that many of the same questions will come up again and again from your clients and prospective clients.
Do not ignore these common questions.
These are in fact THE questions that would make the best launch points for your online content.
Answer these questions in the form of blog posts.
If you’re stuck wondering what to blog about, my favorite go-to solution is to just throw out a query on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram.
(By the way, asking on social media platforms also happens to be great for engagement and improving your social media ranking.)
You don’t need to be fancy. Just blatantly ask your followers, “What questions do you have for me? What do you think about XYZ? What’s holding you back right now? How can I help you?”
Asking your followers for their questions will not only give you tons of ideas on what to blog about, but it will also show that you sincerely care about their needs.
You will gain valuable insight on what your audience is thinking and needing. You might be amazed to find how much you take for granted as an expert in your field.
You might even forget from time to time, that you are indeed an expert in your industry – not just a business owner, not just a service provider – but an expert with a wealth of knowledge that people are eager to tap into.
At the very least – and I mean at the VERY least – answering these questions on a public platform will grow your confidence as a competent professional who has much to offer.
The List
The easiest, fastest way to throw a blog together is to compile a list.
Lists are sometimes poo-poo’d by “serious writers” who don’t want to regard them as real writing.
Well, guess what? Lists are easy to read, easy to absorb, and are an effective way to condense and communicate dense amounts of information.
Audiences love lists, that’s all that counts. You won’t win a Pulitzer Prize (maybe), but you’ll win your audience.
If you’re stuck for a topic, think about what lists you can compile:
- The best…
- The worst…
- 10 ways to…
- 10 awesome websites that will help you to…
- 10 biggest mistakes people make when…
- 10 red flags you’re about to…
- 10 myths about…
- 10 trends for the next year in…
- 10 trends on their way out in….
- 10 golden rules for…
Once you have your list, all you have to do is put together an introduction, tie it up with your conclusions and a call-to-action, and BOOM… blog post written.
Just like that.
The Story
Everyone loves a great story.
If you are comfortable opening up about personal experiences on your business blog (keep it in context and always be professional, of course), storytelling is a great way to get your ideas across.
In your story, be the hero who screws up, gets back up again, and learns something valuable. Then share your experience with your followers so that they may grow as well.
Don’t forget to wrap things up with a heartfelt takeaway that is both actionable and memorable.
What types of blogs work best for you and your business? Tell me in a comment below.
If you’re ready to take your business blog to the next level, check out my FREE eBook, “How To Blog Like An Entrepreneur” here…

All great ideas for generating blog posts! Thanks for the detailed list of benefits and potential warnings where needed.
Great straight forward information for entrepreneurs doing online business, it gives us what to do and how to do it.
Awesome, I’m always looking for new ideas to blog about, some great ideas here.