FAV 5 Recommended Reading For Smart Entrepreneurs (January 17, 2017)
Hello Entrepreneurs,
Welcome to our FAV 5… recommended reading/watching to help you obliterate your business goals!
How The Masters Get New Year’s Dreams Done
Robin Sharma
Levelling up in 2017
Seth Godin
Protect Your Goals From Distracting People [VIDEO]
Dr. Isaiah Hankel
If You Lack Optimism, It’s Game Over [VIDEO]
Gary Vaynerchuk
What I learned from 100 days of rejection [VIDEO]
Jia Jiang – TED Talk
Be amazing!
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I love the Jia Jiang video! What an engaging presentation and fantastic message. So many times in sales I heard the directive, “Go for the No,” but it’s so much more than just going for the rejection. It’s actually an opening up to possibility. Great stuff!
Good list. Was wondering whether people were getting distracted by my goals or if my goals were getting distracted by them – or both? Listening to Isaiah, I understand now.