3 Mistakes Tech Bloggers Make On Social Media

So, you’ve developed an app or created a piece of technology that is going to improve life as we know it.




One great way to make yourself known as a credible resource in the tech world, and build an audience that is interested in the types of products or services you offer, is to launch a technology blog.


A tech blog can come in many forms. You could write reviews of existing software and gadgets. You could report on news in the technology industry. You could even create tutorials for using various apps and tech.


Whichever route you choose to go, never lose sight of why you’re launching a tech blog: to add value to your audience.


If you’re working and creating in the world of technology, chances are you’re very smart.


Actually — it’s sort of a given. You’re probably good with computers, gadgets, apps, and software.


You probably learn new things very quickly.


That said, it’s easy to derail when it comes to blogging and creating social media content, regardless of your high intelligence.


In other words — it requires a different kind of smart that you may be accustomed to.


In fact, sometimes technology types are more likely to go down misguided rabbit holes because they’re used to thinking a certain way, and having that work well for them.


Building a social media presence might seem counterintuitive on many levels.


Not to worry.


Here are a few guidelines for techie types to remember when they are creating content for their tech blog and social media content…

1. Don’t fall in love (too hard) with the tech

One easy trap to fall into is to fall in love with the tech.


Wait – isn’t your passion for technology the reason you became a tech blogger in the first place? The reason you developed an app? Created a software?


Yes, of course it is.


What I am saying is – love is blind.


It’s one thing to go on and on about your latest love affair, but you will bore people to tears if there isn’t something in it for them.


In other words, when you are on social media, remember who you are talking to.


Is the technology the most important thing, or is the way it’s going to change people’s lives the most important thing?


If you are writing to other tech aficionados, then by all means focus on the tech. They will love it as much as you do.


But, if you are targeting your content at consumers for your product or service, and these consumers are NOT as tech-savvy as you are, then you might want to dial your things down a notch.


This isn’t to say that your audience is unintelligent – it’s to say that they are not necessarily in the same headspace as you are.


For instance, I don’t need to know how my smart phone works, but I do need to know how it’s going to save me time shooting, editing, and sharing photos and videos so that I can move ahead in my professional and personal life.


I do need to know how to override certain bugs and glitches.


I do need to know the latest innovations coming up that will influence my future purchases.


These are the gaps in information that the tech blogger can fill.


Align your content and social media posts with your audience’s values and priorities if you want your content to resonate with them.

2. Limit your use of tech lingo, jargon, and buzzwords

Words are powerful.


The tone of your content – or your choice of wording – is an important part of your branding.


What you say is as important as how you say it.


Say or write the right words, and you can sound super-smart.


Or, obnoxious.


Or, un-relateable.


Or, boring.


Again, this comes back to knowing your audience and how they relate to the rest of the world.

Also, keep in mind that, on social media, your audience isn’t poring over your content as much as you might like to think they are.


This is social media.


People skim.


They scan.


They extract the highlights that are valuable to them, and then they quickly move on to the next thing on social media.


So, choose your words carefully, and make sure your content is fats and easy to digest.

3. Pick a niche

The world of technology is very vast.


As a tech blogger, you have many options when deciding what direction you want to go in.


You could focus on reviews, tutorials, or the latest news.


You could focus on healthcare technology, Apple products, or digital cameras and editing softwares.


You could focus on how technology affects entrepreneurship, the education system, or the arts.


Or, you can combine these: how are Apple products affecting entrepreneurship? How are digital cameras and media tools influencing the way we teach kids?


The more specific and bizarre your niche, the more loyal your following.


If you treat your audience as something unique and special, and they will regard you the same way.


Conversely, if you try to be everything to everyone, you will come across as bland and generic, and it will be hard for anyone to remember you or want to come back to you for more engagement.


Now, if you’re new to tech blogging, there is nothing wrong with starting with a broad or vague niche.


In fact, you can call this a part of the evolution process of your blog.


However, with time and experience, you will find that zeroing in on a niche and catering to a specific audience, is the best way to build a loyal following on social media.


Starting a technology blog is a great way to engage an audience that may be interested in your software, app, or gadget. Just make sure you speak to your audience with their priorities and values in mind. That is, focus less on the tech, and more on how it influences and adds value to your audience. Avoid lingo and jargon that might alienate your target audience. And finally, work towards narrowing your focus on a specific technology niche market, so that your content and brand stand out from all the other tech blogs out there.

If you’re ready to take your business blog to the next level, check out my FREE eBook, “How To Blog Like An Entrepreneur” here…