6 Reasons Your Site Needs Video
Anyone with a successful website knows that content is king. Posting articles is fantastic, but don’t forget photographs and audio links and especially don’t forget about video. What’s that, you say? Why complicate your life with web video? Here are just a couple of reasons why you need to add video to your website:
- Search engines love video. Add video and improve your ranking with the proper use of tags and key words.
- Video is the next best thing to being there. Imagine trying to teach someone how to fold an origami crane using only words. Photos would be more helpful. Video would be a lot more helpful. Show, don’t tell!
- YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine (right behind Google). It gets one billion views a day. If you’re not on YouTube, you’re missing out on a lot of attentive eyeballs.
- Video is engaging. It keeps your audience glued to your site longer than text.
- Video is a cost-effective way to drive more traffic to your site: have you checked out the cost of print and radio ads lately?
- Video is easy to share. Maximize your video’s reach with social media and you’ve got yourself a powerful and relatively cheap marketing strategy.
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